Thursday, February 07, 2008

Birthdays Take 1.

Aidan is now 4 (Feb 5th) and Mikey 2 (Feb 4th). (yes...we planned it that way in answer to the question we get often get...not really but fun to be sassy.)

This has been the week of the birthday celebrations.
...Aidan's "school party" on Monday with Daddy Jeremy playing guitar at school for him.
...Micah's family Birthday dinner on Monday night at Buffalo Wild Wings.
...Tuesday lunch for Aidan at the "lego store" to pick out gifts with Birthday Money
...Family party on Tuesday for Both Boys with Aunties and Uncles and Miss Jess. (And cheesy bread, chocolate chip cookies, graham cracker sandwiches, cake, and cupcakes.)

I feel blessed. I really do. (Although I'm already "cup-caked out" and we still have the BIG open gym bash on Sunday.) I won't get too deep though since I'm already catching flack for my Spider man entry :). Here' a couple pictures instead of my ramblings.

The best mac and cheese in town (yes, there is such a thing.)

The purchases. He looks afraid, but really he's totally excited. Just not up for pictures.
My helper. Testing as we go.

1 comment:

Lori Lynn said...

I never knew there was a lego store. Where is it?