Sunday, February 12, 2006


It will be interesting to see if Crick and Mindy's kids sleep in touchdown position, because Rachel and I are 2-for-2 with Aidan and Micah.

Things are going well here. Micah likes the night, he likes to boogie ("So I Married an Axe Murderer" quote, for those who haven't memorized it). Sleep is in short supply for Rachel and Aidan is testing to see how he fits in with Micah around. Right now our biggest problem is that Micah can't just spring up and play with Aidan!

Eyes open, looking around

"Papa" and "Gra-gra" with "A.D." and "Mike". Can you believe Micah and Aidan have almost the exact same birth weight and length? That is a lot of growing in just two years!

Porier, table for 4

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Eat, Poop, Sleep (not at night though)

Sorry, no pictures to post since I'm waiting for class to start and don't have the camera with me.

Micah is now a typical infant. Eats, poops, sleeps. He sleeps like an angel during the day, at night, he likes to party. Unfortunately this means very little sleep for Rachel. I've been doing alright on sleep, which keeps me rested enough to keep Aidan busy for most of the day.

I've been working half days while Aidan takes naps or quiet times. Managing to do my homework too.

The nurse made her second house visit today and said Micah looks great. He has gained back most of the weight he lost since birth and doesn't show any chance of getting jaundice like Aidan did. We are very thankful that he is in good health. Now if he could only sleep at night...

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


With Aidan I've found that every once in awhile I get a glimpse of who he is going to be in the future. I've seen him help a kid up who has fallen down and give them a hug afterward. He's compasionate. I watch him put his train tracks together in different configurations. He's pretty good mechanically. Together we watch Bob the Builder in the morning while he wakes up. He's not a morning person.

Tonight the whole family was down in the play room. Micah was hanging out in his car seat when Aidan came over to him and said "Baby, Play, Train". He then motioned for him to get up and come over to the train table and play with him. When I told him that he couldn't play just yet, Aidan decided to bring the party to Micah. He's going to be a great big brother.

With James, Gordon, Henry, some "Wacky Track", and two pieces of straight track, Micah is well on his way to being an engineer.

Monday, February 06, 2006

For those who aren't very technical...

Quick lesson. It takes a far larger (longer download) picture to achieve print quality. The pictures on this site aren't going to look very good printed. If you would like to print some out, tell me which ones and I'll get you the originals which are A LOT bigger and will provide a good quality print. Since Aidan's grandparents in Wisconsin live in a land void of DSL and cable modems, we'll keep the pictures small.

I'm going to try to work on a video tonight, but no promises.

Two tired boys

Micah and Mommy are home

Micah and Rachel came home yesterday at around 2:00. Seems awful quick but they both are in excellent health so there was no reason to stay. Here's another few pictures to tide the Grandparents over.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

More pictures of Micah with family

Here are some more pictures of Micah with us and some of his visitors. Uncle crick can be seen with Aidan on the next post.

30 minutes after delivery

Grandpa's first visit!

All done, time to go home

Jenn, Aidan, and Micah

Auntie Mindy, or "Mimi" as Aidan calls her

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Happy 2nd Birthday A.D.

In the midst of the excitement that a new child brings, we still wanted to celebrate Aidan's life and all that he means to us. So, 3 hours after Micah was born, I headed home to start preparing for Aidan's party. Plans were scaled down. I figured if there was enough ice cream and cake everything would be ok.

Well, we had a pretty good turn out and it was a lot of fun. We opened presents, ate ice cream sundaes, and had a cake made out of Oatmeal Creme Pies, Aidan's favorite "shnack". He has played with all of him presents already and we've read every book at least once. Thanks to everyone!Pies?

I sure have lots of friends!

Introducing Micah Nathan Porier

Please welcome Micah Nathan to the show. Micah (Mike, as Aidan calls him) weighs in at a hefty 7lbs. 10oz., measures a towering 20.5 inches, and had apgar scores of 8 and 9. Born at 8:30 a.m. on February 4th, 2006, his mama only had to push for about 4 minutes, and some of those were waiting for the doctors to arrive. I'm totally a proud papa and I'm so thankful that Rachel and Micah are completely healthy!