Friday, January 04, 2008

Wag More, Bark Less...

Saw this on a bumper sticker during our Christmas travels (which always seem to be an adventure, more to come once I catch up, hah!) and made me think. What a great approach to life. I know this is the whole "new year resolution and goals" time of the year, which I'm not super hype about. I'm more about the whole year/life change that you can start March 12th or November 9th or December 1st...(so you get the idea). Because I believe life is now. So I'm going to stop barking (yelling, complaining, whining) and start wagging (smile, sing, laugh)

So yeah, on a daily basis I hope I wag more and bark less. More to come. I'm trying to upload my 155 pictures I took.

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