Saturday, January 26, 2008

A couple theological questions...

So we are reading Aidan's Bible at night before bed and here are some questions that came up just tonight. If you have some insight on these let me know...

1. Is Jesus going to take us to the rainbow?

2. How does he fly? Does he have a cape?

3. How do all the children get there? Do they have capes too?

4. Does little Jesus or big Jesus live in our hearts? Because our tummys are small.

And yep, we are still thankful for Santa (he's still going strong, Christmas or not) and that Jesus is going to make us taller so that we reach our legos without dumping them over.

Gotta love a child's heart. Hope your night is filled with deep thoughts and thankfulness for the wonders of life.


Lori Lynn said...

Navpress released a children's message bible last fall. We are loving it! We read it every night with the kids and they get really upset if something prevents us from doing it. It has beautiful pictures and great application.

Crysti said...

I LOVE your family!!! I miss you guys!