Sunday, July 30, 2006


Well, I know our blog has been all about happy things and joyous celebration mostly focused around the birth and "growing up" of our two kids. It's a good thing, but thats not how real life always goes. John 16:33 simply says, "In this world you will have trouble." I won't go into the whole theology of why God allows suffering, if you're really interested in discussing it you can email me.

For the last three days Micah has been running a fever 103+. Tylenol would get it to 101 but that was as low as it would go. We called our Doctors and were told that if it persisted until Sunday (today), we should go in.

As it turns out, Micah has Pneumonia in his left lung. It's perplexing, because he is eating normal, smiling, and playing. He is just a fireball! Luckily Ibuprofen has taken care of the fever and we have antibiotics working on the Pneumonia.

As the doctor was writing the perscription I asked him, "What would happen if we didn't use the antibiotics. What if we were in some part of the world where we couldn't get them?" His response wasn't harsh, but it had powerful simplicity. He simply said, "He would die."

It was a powerful moment. Most who are parents can understand the thought of losing a child being difficult, but when it is close it hits with much more force. Of course, my moment of clarity can't begin to compare with those who have lost their children too soon. Anyways, any priorities that may have been misplaced were put back in order in that moment.

All this to say, hug your kids every chance you get. They mean so much more than the other junk we allow our lives to get entangled in.

- Jeremy

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