Tuesday, November 06, 2007

The Spinning Wars

(sorry it's a long story, but I'm long winded what can I say?) It has a point though...

So this morning I headed to the gym for a 9 am spinning class that I go to once and a while. It's never been full before (keep that in mind in my story here). And as I checked in at the front desk and heard the people behind me ask for the sign up sheet for the class, thought hmmm I wonder if I should sign up. But with 2 kids in tow and already heading towards the kids club I thought I'd let it go. So then I sign my kids in to the kids club (see how much work it is to get a workout?!) and then think...I should go sign in for that class just in case. So I go back to the front desk and wait. And wait some more. Then I talk to the front desk attendant and she says the instructor already took the list the class started.

So I head to the class and it's full.

I was so MAD. So mad. Seriously the girls BEHIND me got in and I didn't. So my selfish little attitude took it out on the treadmill for a while since all the exercise bikes were also full. (Seriously where are all these people coming from at 9 am on a Tuesday morning?)

So I ran, hard, and then headed over to the bikes because I saw one open up. And I couldn't help but overhearing the girls next to me talk about some thyroid problems she was having and nodules that were getting tested. So my nosy little self said, "I heard you guys talking and just wanted to let you know that I just had thyroid surgery in August." So she came over and talked to me for a long time about her symptoms and what she was going through.

Which normally I would have thought was a nice coincidence. But with reading Chasing Daylight (study at church, way awesome by the way) I believe it was more. I believe it was a divine appointment. And while I didn't save anyone's soul today I did get a chance to calm their thoughts and nerves. And that made me smile and realize maybe when we see something full in life really it's God opening us up for more. Look for those in your life, I'm glad I did today.

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