Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Bicycle Made For 3?

In an effort to be more green around here we have started biking more. Jeremy has been commuting to work on his bike, and we have integrated family bike rides into our everyday life...grocery shopping was even attempted and successful! One night last week I was out for the night so Jeremy took matters into his own hands and hooked the boys up one after another. Aidan on his new tag along bike (total hit) and Mikey in the Burley. They had a grand time going to the parks (yes multiple) and getting donuts from the gas station. It just goes to show that we don't need a mini van after all :)


Lori Wilson said...

Yay! I'm so proud of you guys. And the grocery store? Wow! Was it a big trip or a little trip? I only go to the grocery store for big trips, so I'm trying to figure out how I could get everyone there and back plus all the groceries. Hmmmm, still thinking this one out.

Anonymous said...

lol...if that were me on the front bicycle...all the kids would be in tears from my "aggrevatedness"..(if that's a word, if not, it should be!).

Crysti said...

That's awesome!! I'm sure that Aiden thinks he's the one pulling his brother!