Thursday, May 28, 2009

My Scattered thoughts...

Couple things I've been pondering on and just wanted to get them on "paper"...

Ran the Colfax Relay Marathon a few weeks back. Learned the value of running a race and having those cheering for you and coming along side you...when you needed it most. For somebody who hates having a workout partner and likes to do things myself this race really brought to light the value of "running partners"as it parallels with Soul Revolution and having people to "run" along side you. I need those people but the key is they have to be in the race with you to give you the support when you hit the wall. You can't wait to have your partner join you when the journey gets tough...they need to be there all along.

Watched "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" one of those movies that you turn over in your mind afterward. Some interesting thoughts on life constantly changing, the choices we make that seem inconsequential but interweave in ways that are life changing, learning from the old, and missing out on the chance to be a parent...
Still pondering and don't want to give away too much. Just like those movies that make you think about life in new (backwards ways).

Celebrated mothers day this year. Really truly with joy and no sorrow. Bought the gift I never did 14 years ago and thanked my mom for being the "Selah" (stop and listen) in my life. Love that she taught me how to set aside that which didn't matter for that which did. She knew how to play and create. I am moving towards that more and more...

Read Soul Revolution. Actually finished it. So so much to write about that. Huge. Amazing. Real applications to connecting with God. Following prompting and learning about faith and trust. And money. Ha! Like the idea at the end of the book to have your own "rock piles of faith" as reminders of God's faithfulness. Have been collecting those and reflecting on that.

And finally been challenged with the I trust God's gifts or Him as a giver? That's a tough looking inward one. But so so necessary as we life a life of trust.

And getting ready to celebrate Jenn (and Scott too of course) off I go...

Friday, May 15, 2009


...just stopping and listening more (Selah)

Today I am thankful for listening to Aidan's precious questions about God. And telling me that God and Jesus are friends because God sent Jesus as a baby. And wondering why God doesn't talk to us in burning bushes anymore. And if our house was on fire he would pray for God to protect us. And he wishes he was God because God doesn't make any mistakes.

I told him I was glad that we are children of God and agreed that it was good that God didn't make mistakes. Because he made each of us.

Children help us learn about the kingdom more. I am so thankful for that.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


One of my favorite Desperation band songs. Great lyrics. Live them today. Be encouraged.

Seated above, enthroned in the Father's love
Destined to die, poured out for all mankind
God's only son perfect and spotless one
He never sinned, but suffered as if he did

All authority, every victo-ry is Yours
All authority, every victory is Yours

Savior, worthy of honor and glory, worthy of all our praise, You overcame
Jesus, awesome in power forever,awesome and great is Your name,You overcame

Power in hand speaking the Father's plan
You're sending us out, light in this broken land

We will overcome by the blood of the Lamb
and the word of our testimony, everyone overcome

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Gratitude just because

A lot of times I make lists to "combat" when I am discouraged. Monday I was discouraged. Yesterday was a joyous day. Just goes to show how rollercoaster this life can be. So today I am a making one just because who knows what today holds...

1. Mikey eating breakfast next to me.
2. Aidan telling me about all the animals in the jungle.
3. Celebrating mothers day. Truly.
4. Jeremy giving his all to us in so many ways.
5. Victory. Because of the cross. And because He loves us. (Romans 8:37)
6. Blooming flowers and Aidan naming them.
7. A full fridge and pantry.
8. Washing machine and dryer. Seriously can you imagine life without these?
9. Friends thinking of me and showing me that through love.
10. My cell phone. Even if it is a stinking Razor that is breaking on me...
11. Soul Revolution and "running partners" to do it with.
12. Toy Story, Red pants, Apple Game, sidewalk chalk, alligators, chocolate milk and all that which brings joy to my boys.
13. Everybody healthy for the first time in a while!
14. Painting and discovering how much I like to play with it.
15. A wedding soon! And another!
16. Catering and the food and money it provides.
17. A surprising face at church on Sunday.
18. Life.

...and poppyseed cake and celebrating my mom.