How do we answer that usually?
"good, you?"
"good...yeah busy but good"
"yeah me too"
So humor me as I reflect on the last month...
For some reason lately when I've been asked that I have this whole slew of answers that I can't really wrap up into a one word answer . But who really wants to hear how we are doing beyond good? I can no longer say "good but busy". I'm not busy. Don't get me wrong I have plenty to do. I have laundry and dishes and projects like always but I have emptied my schedule, myself, and I am left with an openness that is strangely redefining. Pre-January Jeremy and I used to sit down on Sunday night and look at our schedules. Monday-small group, Tuesday-WM meeting, Wednesday-kids connection, Thursday-worship practice, Friday...Sat... You get the idea. We were slammed. We were busy and we were good.
But what if good isn't good enough? What if like "Hitch" fine isn't good enough, what if we want extraordinary? Are we willing to empty ourselves to get that?
It's hard. It is stinking hard. For somebody who so likes to be defined by what I DO. This is so redefining. If we aren't defined by what we do, what are we defined by? Who we are? Who is that? Looking out is a lot easier than looking in. Being busy keeps us in "good mode" but being still moves us to extraordinary.
In the last month we have made a lot of changes. Went to cash. Cut the boys school schedule in half, gone back to the "Mother Church" in preparation for a new church plant, canceled TV programming, sold a lot, got rid of a lot, ate at home A LOT, and I even went to the gym less. And because of that I have lost weight (yes I am weird I know), had a Sound of Music picnic, went swimming at the Rec center a ton, went useless shopping so much less, created art, had many friends over for lunch, and read. Reading definitely way of making you look inward. When the books you are reading are the Bible and Grace Based can't help but look in instead of out.
It is better...but it is hard. Why is that? I'm guessing that the move to extraordinary doesn't come without some sacrifice "surrender of something for the sake of something else". So as I surrender I am guessing that there are going to be some times that despite all the blessings...they don't come without surrender. Which is always going to be tough.
I am got a book that walks me through Psalm 23. I carry it in my purse (so it doesn't count as another book that I am reading, ha) and I love the promises that it gives...
We all desire that in life. If you ask me that doesn't sound just good but extraordinary. But it doesn't come without allowing God to be the Shepherd and Us to be the sheep. Not the other way around. And he is leading beside still waters. Not crazy busy rapids.
Just some thoughts...Who knows what God is doing in me in all this. I know busyness will come again but not without me first changing my answer to "how are you?"