Monday, September 29, 2008

Because I needed a fun, non-deep post :)

Saw these questions as interview questions for a writer and I thought, hey I could interview here it is. Have at it girls and answer some for me if you are in the mood...

A song/band/type of music you'd risk wreck & injury to turn off when it comes on the radio?
Rap. The closet I ever came was DC Talk years ago :)

Best show on television?
Total biggest loser me motivation. I always up for a Frasier rerun. And NFL football (every man's dream).

Favorite movie?
I've been noticing lately I reference "Along came Polly and Hitch" especially the dance moves in Hitch. Scary huh? :) But overall I'm a hardcore drama fan.

Favorite room in your house?
All (well except the bathrooms, but someday...)seriously they each are unique in their own way yet they flow together for me.

If you could have anything put on a t-shirt what would it be?
Hmmm...I have to think about this one.

The best part about being your age?
That you let go more and play more. (The worst thing is trying to shop for clothes.)

Favorite Girl Scout cookie?
Thin mints!!!

Poker or gin or bridge?
I'm thinking someday I could be one of those women that gets together with her friends in their big hats and flower shirts and plays cards...until then I have no idea how to play any of them.

Shower or bath? 3 day would be awesome.

Favorite pajamas?
I could care less.

Nightmare job?
Driving around all day and having to read maps and stop and go all the time in traffic.

A talent you wish you had?
Painting on canvas art or maybe knowing when to shut up and not say what comes to mind...that's a talent right?

Dream vacation?
All on bike...all over the country, world, etc.

What's on your nightstand?
Candles, phone, and a rock. Underneath however is full of 1/2 read or re-read books that I have recently dug up. Current ones are At the Feet of Jesus, and You Matter More Than You Think.

Tell us 3 weird things about you:
1. I have to tell myself to keep walking when I see a clearance rack.
2. I wear men's deodorant.
3. I can't sound out anything phonetically.

And back to the t-shirt question...
Are you thinking what I'm thinking? (because nobody would know what to do with that...myself included)

Happy Monday :)

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Usually at this time of the day I am trying to cook dinner while 2 little boys are under my feet. Today Micah went down for a super late nap and is still sleeping and Aidan is lost without his buddy. He's outside not really knowing what to do with himself. So just a quick moment to say I'm thankful Micah is in our lives. And I know his big brother is really thankful.

Friday, September 19, 2008


So not only am I not a bath person, I'm not a spontaneous person either. I have a plan for my days even if only in my head. So after a conversation earlier this week with Jeremy that I don' really know how to use my "stay at home mom freedom" I attempted a spontaneous day with my boys. It was not natural for me at all...actually it was hard in some ways but it was good for me (and them) to go "exploring" as we called it.

Here's some of our exploring adventures of today:
1. Got up and went to watch Jeremy play football.
2. Went and played at the park next to the fields...I was the "coast guard mom" and Aidan and Micah "scuba dived" in the rocks.
3. Stopped at the gas station and got Popsicles and nutrigrain bars. Ate them in the lawn outside.
4. Drove past Jeremy and My first apartment out here. If you could call it that :)
5. Drove past where I once took a bad crash on my bike and told the boys about it, lots of questions about that from little boys.
6. Stopped at Auntie Jenn's...she wasn't there but here roommate was and we left her a note that we miss her.
7. Went to the NREL (Nation Renewable Energy Lab) Visitor Center. Had tons of fun standing in front of the solar panel that ran the water fountain so it would start, stop, start, stop.
8. Ate graham crackers for lunch.
9. Drove past a garage sale. Only baby girl clothes.
10. Got home and ate some yogurt for "another lunch".
11. Posted this.

There you have attempt. Now I'm trying to figure out how to do my run today that I skipped, but I'm thinking that worrying about that will just ruin the whole point. I'm still learning :) Happy Spontaneous to all...

Friday, September 12, 2008

Buckets of Joy

First I gotta say today was just a good day. Enjoyed being a mama. Heard some really great news :) Witnessed some great moments between my boys. And just remembered to live life.

Ended by watching "The Bucket List" (which by the way have had my own in process long before the movie just so you know who ripped off who!) So much to say about this movie. This whole concept...totally a Rachel movie. Even watched the whole "making of the movie" part. Also good.

But the part I really thought about was the 2 questions (you know to get into "Egyptian Heaven" ha ha)But that aside, still worth looking at.

1. Have you found joy in your life?
2. Has your life brought joy to others?

What do you even say to questions like that? How do you even challenge yourself or others with that question?

Be back with more thoughts on that. I better get some sleep first.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

My Precious Boy

(Posted on the outside of his bedroom door tonight. All him. Total excitement for his lego store that he set up. I'm supposed to be making a sign that says "Aidan is sleeping in his lego store" I better get to work. )

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

So I'm not a bath person...

...but I have been downright cranky lately and none of my other "normal" fixes are working (running, coffee, wine, talking it out, hanging with my "sisters", even the happy news of IKEA!). It works for a bit but then I'm back to being there again.

So I resorted to a bath and since I can't just sit there I put on my i-pod shuffle and got some insight from Sheryl Crown and Michael W Smith to help me adjust my attitude (quite the theological combo I know)

Sheryl, I Shall Believe

That not everything is gonna be the way
You think it ought to be
It seems like every time I try to make it right
It all comes down on me

MWS, Breathe
And I I'm desperate for you
And I I'm I'm lost without you

And I got to thinking...we don't use the word desperate very much in our everyday life. It's not really something we are proud of to be "desperate" for something because it shows total weakness, total loss of self. And yet we can sing it. We aren't afraid to say we are desperate in the song but can we admit it otherwise?

So I guess what I am saying is when not everything is going the way you think it should be (umm yeah most often) and we try to make it right in our own doing (coffee, running, all that stuff). I guess it's ok to be desperate. Desperate for a God that we are lost without. He created us that way. I should know this I just studied it for 3 months...the whole ceasing self-sufficiency thing , but man it's a lifetime of really getting it.

So what are you desperate for? Can you admit it?

Thursday, September 04, 2008


Ok so I find this happens a lot in my life. Everybody around me crashes at once. Just got off the phone with my friend and when I asked her how I could pray for her she said "my life is a train wreck" which thankfully made us both laugh. But seriously, this is not the life that God wants for us. He wants us to be free. So in my fooling around on i-tunes I found this song, and it hits exactly what I want to say to those "train wrecks" (me included) out there.

The Lyrics:
I feel like the weight of the world is all - crashing down on me
And some how I just don't believe this how - it is suppose to be
And all this expectation on - the way I'm suppose to live
Becomes my minds distraction - with nothing left to give

You said your burden is light and your load - is no more
You said your ways are right and in you I will soar

I want to be free - free to dance and free to sing
Free to live and learn and free
[Oh, free to be me

I feel like my heart is being beat - down into the ground
In you I'm longing for some peace - to be found
I know the heaviness that's - making me cold
Is stealing my youthful soul and - making me old

You said your burden is light and your load - is no more
You said your ways are right and in you I will soar

I want to be free - free to dance and free to sing
Free to live and learn and free
Oh, free to be me

A little Inspiration for those of us in the rough storms of life...